L&K Handyman Services is located in Broussard, LA and serves it and the surrounding areas.
L&K was founded in 2019 by owner and handyman Larry Cox, who personally takes care of all handyman services. Cox worked for many years as a field engineer and sales engineer in the oil & gas industry before deciding to turn his beloved hobby of fixing things into a full-time business.
Cox provides excellent value, friendly service and honest prices.
L&K provides a wide array of handyman services to help with those items either someone who doesn’t have the time to do, the skills to do or simply do not want to do.
L&K’s handyman services include but not limited to:
- Bathroom & other Home Repairs
- Garage Maintenance
- Kitchen Maintenance
- Outdoor Home Maintenance
- Assembly Services
- and more.
To learn more, visit L&K Handyman Services
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