Monday, September 9, 2024
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Monday, September 9, 2024

Tekhead, a Local Web Host


Whether a professional website designer or a do-it-yourselfer, a website needs web hosting. Tekhead provides clients with web hosting so they can establish their web presence.

What is web hosting? It is storage space on a web server that houses a website. It is where a website “lives”; without web hosting, there is no place for a website to reside. When a website visitor wants to view a website, a “call” is sent through the domain name to find and access the website to deliver the website to a user’s screen.

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Web hosting accounts through Tekhead utilize cPanel, a control panel for web hosting. Accounts also include Secure Socket Layer (SSL), backups, and security in their hosting plans.

Domain-based email addresses can be set up through Tekhead’s web hosting accounts. This type of email address lends credibility and professionalism to a business. An example of a domain-based email would be

While not at the forefront of BY Local News (BYLN), Tekhead is its backbone. Tekhead provides web hosting services for the BYLN website.

Tekhead is a local company owned and operated by Kyle Pinkley. It has provided web hosting services for area businesses for over twenty years.

To learn more, visit the Tekhead web site.

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