Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

From the Past: Corner of Main and Morgan Streets


This old photo sits in Towne Pharmacy in Broussard. It is firmly adhered to the back of what was an old photo album. Below the photo is written “Boy Girouard”.

The photo is of the gas station that was once located at the corner of Main and Morgan Streets, where Towne Pharmacy is presently located.

There are two old clippings attached the back cover of the photo album. It is unknown if either of the clippings have any bearing to the photo. The clippings read:

“Mrs. A.N. Nash and son of Long Beach, Calif are visiting in this city for several weeks as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Girouard.”

“Mrs. C.A. Girouard of Broussard and her guests, Mrs. A. W. Nash and son, of Long Beach Calif., motored to this city for a visit with friends”.

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Previous Business where Towne Pharmacy is Located
Photo courtesy of Ivan Landry
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