Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Writes of Spring Writing Contest: Winners Announced

Submitted by the Lafayette Public Library System

LAFAYETTE, LA (April 17, 2024) – The Lafayette Public Library is proud to announce the 2024 Writes of Spring Writing Contest winners.

The library received an astounding 339 entries this year, an increase of nearly one hundred from last year. These impressive original works included fiction, poetry, and personal narratives in English, French, and Spanish.

The contest is open to all students in grades K-12 who live in Lafayette Parish or in the surrounding parishes of Acadia, Iberia, St. Landry, St. Martin, and Vermilion. 

Writes of Spring is an annual writing competition that was started twenty-two years ago to give local students a chance to show off their creative writing talents. Librarians, teachers, and other educators volunteer their time to judge each category.

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Without further ado, here are the Winners of the Writes of Spring Writing Contest:

Elementary School

Fiction [Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades]
First place: Bishop Drapekin, “Supa Fail: A Gaming Story” (Cathedral-Carmel School)
Second place: Hains Pefferkorn, “The Puppies and the Pyramid” (Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School)
Third place: Genevieve Speeg, “The Little Seed” (St. Pius Elementary)

Personal Narrative [Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades]
First place: Sawyer Williams, “Two Times I Got Hurt at School” (Woodvale Elementary)
Second place: Cece Hamilton, “The Day I Went to the Park” (Woodvale Elementary)
Third place: Taylor Wang, “A Trip to Disney” (Episcopal School of Acadiana)

Poetry [Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades]
First place: Briley Bach, “Little Things” (Ernest Gallet Elementary)
Second place: Oliver Alfred, “The Park of Poetry” (Green T. Lindon Elementary)
Third place: Viaan Singhal, “Wonders” (Ernest Gallet Elementary)

Fiction [Third and Fourth Grades]
First place: Janie Fruge, “Adventures of the Lost Ball” (Teche Elementary)
Second place: Genevieve Hoffpauir, “The Worsening Day” (Episcopal School of Acadiana)
Third place: Norah Thom, “Bumblebee” (Episcopal School of Acadiana)

Personal Narrative [Third and Fourth Grades]
First place: Mikey Cortez, “New Orleans Newbie” (Cathedral-Carmel School)
Second place: Elizabeth Hollier, “The Healing” (Cathedral-Carmel School)
Third place: Annie Adams, “The Very Best Time of My Life” (Cathedral-Carmel Scool)

Poetry [Third and Fourth Grades]
First place: Aubrey Drew, “Bump, Set, Spike” (Episcopal School of Acadiana)
Second place: Addy Brandon, “Snake” (Episcopal School of Acadiana)
Third place: Nate Walton, “Old Man” (Episcopal School of Acadiana)

French Poetry [Third and Fourth Grades]
First place: Magalie Chang-Fong, “Dans mon jardin” (Prairie Elementary)

Middle School

Fiction [Fifth and Sixth Grades]
First place: Audrey Cahill, “Lost in My Thoughts” (Episcopal School of Acadiana)
Second place: Nola Buteaux, “Rain” (Acadiana Renaissance Charter Academy)
Third place: Evangeline LeBlanc, “How Tigers Earn Their Stripes” (Broadmoor Elementary)

Personal Narrative [Fifth and Sixth Grades]
First place: Emmeline Rhodes, “The Great Ice Cream Truck Chase” (Cathedral-Carmel School)
Second place: Genevieve Richard, “Climb to the Crown” (Teche Elementary)

Poetry [Fifth and Sixth Grades]
First place: Karmyn Babineaux, “Growing Old” (Teche Elementary)
Second place: Amelie Broussard, “How I See the World” (Prairie Elementary)
Third Place: Amy Thomas, “Wheels” (Westminster Christian Academy)

French Personal Narrative [Fifth and Sixth Grades]
First Place: Gracie Leblanc, “Ecole Intermediare” (Prairie Elementary)

Fiction [Seventh and Eighth Grades]
First place: Amelia Ducatel, “The Day” (Cathedral-Carmel School)
Second place: Gabi Hebert, “Eagles Land” (John Paul the Great Academy)
Third place: Addyson Taylor, “Revolution’s Unraveling Dance” (David Thibodaux STEM Magnet Academy)

Personal Narrative [Seventh and Eighth Grades]
First place: Stella Walker, “A Dream Come True” (Cathedral-Carmel School)
Second place: Alex Montet, “A Cross-Country Personal Record” (St. Cecilia)
Third place: Camille Bernard, “Every Little Girl” (St. Pius Elementary)

Poetry [Seventh and Eighth Grades]
First place: Sophia Domingue, “The Sound of Music” (St. Pius Elementary)
Second place: Mariya Marcus, “I am From” (St. Pius Elementary)
Third place: Clare Thomson, “Trust” (St. Pius Elementary)

High School

Fiction [Ninth and Tenth Grades]
First place: Martha Odom. “The Turning Pointe” (Ascension Episcopal School)
Second place: Marc Canter, “House of Guilt” (David Thibodaux STEM Magnet Academy)
Third place: Rudra Karadkhelkar, “The Enigma of the Cherry Blossom” (Lafayette High School)

Personal Narrative [Ninth and Tenth Grades]
First place: Luka Reynolds, “My Experience in the Mental Hospital” (Southside High School)
Second place: Emma Roszell, “What I Learned From Taylor Swift” (Southside High School)

Poetry [Ninth and Tenth Grades]
First place: Carys Grindrod, “You Have to Get Back Up” (Southside High School) Second place: Brie Jones, “Mermaid Girl” (David Thibodaux STEM Magnet Academy)
Third place: Collin Thibodeaux, “What I Wanted and What I Got” (Southside High School)

French Fiction [Ninth and Tenth Grades]
First place: Beau McCoy, “Le Loup Apprend Une Leçon” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)
Second place: Olivia Dore’, “Le Ciel de Scintillement” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)

French Poetry [Ninth and Tenth Grades]
First place: Emma Phillips, “Les quatre saisons” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)
Second place: Nina Foss, “Ode à Marianne” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)
Third place: Emma Domec, “La Plage” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)

Fiction [Eleventh and Twelfth Grades]
First place: Audrey Pinkley, “Swim” (Comeaux High School)
Second place: Katherine Hotard, “The Outside Looking In” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)
Third place: Clay Hebert, “The Drive Home” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)

Personal Narrative [Eleventh and Twelfth Grades]
First place: Grant Deshotels, “My Big Game” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)
Second place: Reagan Rantz, “Gone But Never Forgotten” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)
Third place: Charlotte Brown, “Not a Charity Case” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)

Poetry [Eleventh and Twelfth Grades]
First place: Auden Saft, “ICARUS” (Lafayette High School)
Second place: Ava Thibodeaux, “Continuum” (Teurlings Catholic High School)
Third place: Everett Foard, “Man on the Moon” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)

French Fiction [Eleventh and Twelfth Grades]
First place: Caroline Meaux, “L’écureuil prodigue” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)

French Poetry [Eleventh and Twelfth Grades]
First place: Ava Segura, “Ode à l’été” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)
Second place: Patricia Engelhardt, “Ode au bouquet de fleurs” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)
Third place: Ruthie Pippin, “Laisse le monde derrière” (Saint Thomas More Catholic High School)

Spanish Fiction [Eleventh and Twelfth Grades]
First place: Keiana Batiste, “El Secreto del Relojero” (Opelousas High School)

Spanish Personal Narrative [Eleventh and Twelfth Grades]
First place: Keegan Moten, “Un Viaje Inolvidable” (Opelousas High School)

Spanish Poetry [Eleventh and Twelfth Grades]
First place: Ryon Lafleur, “Sinfonia del Alma” (Opelousas High School)
Second place: Gabrielle Francis, “Mariposas” (Opelousas High School)
Third Place: Takayla Coleman, “Latidos del Corazon” (Opelousas High School)

­­Each winner will be given a copy of the anthology featuring the works of all 2024 winners and their official certificate.

To learn more about the Writes of Spring Writing Contest, visit LafayettePublicLibrary.org.

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