The Confidence Campaign (CC) is an organization that focuses on all girls ages eight to eighteen by creating confidence through compassionate guidance and establishing hygiene security.
By providing girls with information about personal hygiene, CC is helping them take care of themselves and feel good about their bodies. This is essential for girls’ overall health and well-being.
“Girls may get misinformation or little to no information on personal hygiene. In some cases, girls may not get the guidance they need. We help prevent traumatic experiences through information so girls can be prepared”, said Susan Titus, who established the organization in 2022.
CC has created educational workshops, programs, and safe spaces for learning at an age when girls need the most guidance. The programs include educational programs, hygiene closets, and bra closets to assist young girls in confidently navigating through daily life.
Titus is excited and thankful for a recent partnership with Le Femme Lingerie in River Ranch. Le Femme is donating three-hundred bras to the B.R.A. Closet. This donation will, in turn, help get bras out to girls in need.
Titus has a degree in biology and has worked in the fields of dentistry and physical therapy. She also is a life coach, teaches a fitness class, and has a family entertainment business, MLR Magic, with Mitch Richard.
The Confidence Campaign is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
To learn more about the organization or to make a donation, visit its web site at or its Facebook page.

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