For those wanting to learn to speak French or for those who already know the
language but want to converse in French with others, The Valsin House in
Broussard hosts a monthly French Table.
The French Table gives time for everyone in attendance a short time to
socialize, then to meet as a group. Using a pre-prepared document containing
French, then English statements, everyone participates saying the statement in
During the French Table most of the time is spent in small groups. Each
group contains at least one person who is more versed in the French language
who can assist other group members if needed. For those who are just learning
or for those who are on a higher-level proficiency in French, it helps having
someone in the group more knowledgeable of the language in the group.
Conversions are held mainly in French, however, when necessary, English is
The French Table is led by Marie Ducote. It is usually held on the second
Friday of the month from 8:30 – 10 a.m. at The Valsin House located at 408 West
Main Street in Broussard.