The agenda for the Broussard City Council meeting to be held on September 26, 2023, at 6 p.m. includes the following:
- Approval of the City Council Minutes from September 12, 2023 – (starting on page 5 in the document).
Other Business
- Jan Swift – Candidate for Lafayette Mayor-President
- Justin Centanni – Candidate for Lafayette Parish Assessor
- Linton Broussard – Candidate for School Board District 9
- Grant Quinlan – Candidate for School Board District 7
- Condemnation of 107 North Eola Road – Carolyn F. Lebleu
- Condemnation of 411 Avenue D – Gery Marcombe
- Condemnation of 400 East Third Street – Jason and Angela Richard
- Condemnation of 304 East Madison Street – Douglas and Willa Dean Chesson Family, LLC
Ordinance #756-23: A resolution accepting that certain act of dedication of the sewer lift station site from McLain Investments, LLC in the Reserve Subdivision
Ordinance #757-23: A resolution declaring the contract for the 12″ Waterline along Ambassador Caffery from Highway 89 to Bonin Road to be substantially complete
Ordinance #758-23: A resolution declaring the contract for the reconstruction of LaNeuville Road to be substantially complete
Ordinance #759-23: A resolution declaring the contract for the construction of a turn lane on St. Nazaire Road to be substantially complete
Ordinance #761-23: A resolution awarding the low quote for the demolition and disposal service of the old water plant and the building
Ordinance #762-23: A resolution adopting the 2022/2023 Systems Compliance Questionnaire
Ordinance #763-23: A resolution declaring the contract for the construction of the Sugar Trace South Lift Station and Force Main Upgrade as substantially complete
Ordinances for Introduction
Ordinance #23-781: An ordinance amended the 2023-2024 Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures to increase the authorized expenditures for the West Fairfield Road Extension Project
Ordinance #23-782: An ordinance amending the 2023-2024 Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures to increase the authorized expenditures for the Main Street Improvements – Phase 3A
Ordinance #23-783: An ordinance amending the 2023-2024 Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures to increase the authorized expenditures for the West Fairfield and North Larriviere Intersection Improvements Project.
The meeting will be held at 310 East Main Street in Broussard.
Broussard City Council meetings are live-streamed and can be found at
View / download the September 26, 2023 City Council Council Meeting Packet