Monday, September 9, 2024
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Monday, September 9, 2024

Broussard Water Issues Reported to be Fixed


Some residents of Broussard have been having low water pressure and discolored / brown water. One Broussard hotel is reported to have had water issues for about three weeks which affected their customers.

According to a news post on the website the City together with LUS identified the problems. The post states a cause was a wholesale water meter showed lower than normal pressure and a second cause of the problems were due to a fire hydrant that was damaged due to a car accident.

During the time of the water issues, residents often complain about the water, as seen in various Facebook posts. Photos of discolored / brown water were included in some of these photos.

“We regret the inconvenience this issue may have caused for residents and businesses, and we’re happy to say the situation has now been rectified. We know that low water pressure and flushing lines causes discolored water in a drinking water distribution system. While safe, discolored water is not acceptable. Broussard has current and future projects in place to upgrade the infrastructure of our water distribution system,” said Mayor Ray Bourque on the City’s website news post.

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The City of Broussard is reported to have an annual revenue of over $30 million*. The City’s 2022 budget includes just $705,000 for waterline additions or improvements, which is less than 3% of the city’s annual revenue.*

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