Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Contractor Bid Opened for Drainage

Youngsville Mayor Ken Ritter announces contractor bid has opened for five Bayou Parc Perdu regional drainage ponds. This project will be one percent paid for by federal grant funds and will benefit both the residents of Youngsville and their downstream neighbors.

Ritter states this project has been years in the making and is one of the earliest design projects and grant applications of their administration. He also says their team remains committed to reducing flood risk for Youngsville and this bid opening is a big step in that direction.

According to Ritter, once constructed, along with the recently completed regional lakes, the base flood elevation in the areas impacted will be lowered by 7”.

There were five companies that submitted bids. Ritter states the bid award will be made as soon as possible.

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