Lemonade Day Acadiana works to help teach area youth about business; how to start, own and operate their own business. Helping area youth understand business concepts now could increase their chance for success in the future. Lemonade Day Acadiana will be held on Saturday, July 22, 2023, and is presented by the Broussard Chamber of Commerce.
From Lemonade Day Acadiana, “Each child that registers receives access to the Lemonade Day curriculum that teaches them lessons like creating budgets, setting profit-making goals, serving customers, repaying investors, and giving back to the community. Along the way, they acquire skills in goal-setting, problem-solving, and gain self-esteem critical for future success. They keep all the money they make and are encouraged to spend some, save some and share some.”
To register a lemonade stand for your child or children, visit Brand Your Stand. When you register your lemonade stand, it will be added to the Lemonade Stand Map. This will help people thirsty for lemonade to find your stand easily.
Learn more about Lemonade Day Acadiana