Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Miguez Competes at IPSC


Blake Miguez came home with the silver medal from the World Shoot XIX International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC). Miguez recently traveled with Team USA to Pattaya, Thailand where they competed in the IPSC.

During the recent IPSC competitions, Miguez came out in 5th place in his division winning the silver medal with his team placing second. First place went to the Philippines and third place went to The Czech Republic.

The Standard Division, which Miguez and his team competed in, only allowed the use of iron sights. Iron sights are a system of physical alignment markers used as a sighting device for accurate aiming of range weapons. Optics, gaming devices and other automatic optics were not allowed to be used in the competition.

Ranked for the number two spot on the team, Miguez earned this spot by competing in multiple national-level competitions.

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According to the IPSC website, “The IPSC was established to promote, maintain, improve and advance the sport of practical shooting, to safeguard its principles and to regulate its conduct worldwide for the safe, recreational use of firearms by persons of good character.”

Miguez said his valued memory, which remains a snapshot in his brain, was when every country team came out together holding signs and flags. While Miguez walked through with his team he was holding his youngest daughter. She was wearing a mini matching shirt of his team shirt. When his daughter waved to the crowd, her wave was caught on camera. He was thrilled to have his wife, youngest daughter, mother and father there with him at this event.

Competitively Miguez has been shooting since he was twelve years old. Recreationally he started shooting at the age of eight. He is a former world pistol shooter in the National Championships. Twelve years ago, Miguez won the World competition in Greece. He previously won the National Championship in Las Vegas, Nevada as well as world champion.

Miguez was a former contestant and expert on the television reality show Top Shot from the History Channel, a show like Survivor regarding eliminations. In seasons one and five he was a contestant, in season two he was an expert. Season five hosted the all-stars. The reality show was filmed in Santa Clarita, CA

Miguez grew up in Loreauville and currently lives in New Iberia. He finds time to balance work, family, his constituents of Louisiana House District 49 and for his passion for shooting. He is the majority leader in the Louisiana House of Representatives. He works with his two family-owned businesses SeaTran Marine and Miguez Fuel which both are located in New Iberia and services the oil and gas industries.

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