Sunday, February 9, 2025
Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Pines Update; Variance for Dog Kenneling

The second bi-monthly Broussard City Council meeting was held on July 25, 2023, at 6 p.m. at 310 East Main Street in Broussard.

Council members in attendance were Angel Racca with District 1, David Bonid with District 2, Jesse Regan with District 3, Heather Girouard with District 4, David Forbes with District 5, and Kody Allen with District 6. Jeff Delahoussaye who is Alderman-at-Large was absent from the meeting.

The Council approved the Broussard City Council Minutes from July 11, 2023.

The Pines Apartment Complex Update

Ben Theriot, with the Code Enforcement Office at the City of Broussard, updated the Council on The Pines Apartments. The apartment complex has been sold, and the new owner plans to renovate not only units 3-4 but all of the units in the complex. The new owner must go through the Fire Marshall’s Office before any renovations can start. The new owner was allowed to get a permit to fix the leading roof on units 3-4 and the laundromat. Council Member Heather Girouard questioned Theriot on the timeline for the new owner to get the apartments back up to code; Theriot stated he could not answer the question now because the new owner has to submit detailed plans to the Fire Mashall. Mayor Ray Bourque requested Theriot to keep the council updated on the progress the new owner is making.

At the Council’s May 9, 2023 meeting, the council condemned the apartment units 3-4 at 219 Leon Street owned by Queyen Tan Le due to the units being in disrepair. Le advised the council he was negotiating to sell the property and requested that the council allow him time to fix the property so he could seek an investor to purchase the property. The council agreed to give Le thirty days to provide a contact with an investor or to show he has bank financing to fix the property. Le was given five days to board the property to prevent unauthorized access. The council voted to condemn the property and then suspend the condemnation for thirty days. If Le did not keep his promises to repair the property or have a sale, the property would be automatically demolished.

At the Council’s June 12, 2023 meeting, Theriot advised the council he had spoken to Le and that Le appears to be making progress on complying with the city’s requirements from the May 9, 2023, council meeting, which was either to fix the property or have a sale for the property. Le advised Theriot that he has a contract to sell his condemned property with an expected closing date of July 25, 2023. Theriot said Le has stated he also has a backup offer on selling his property. According to Theriot, the condemned building is secured and boarded up, with all window units pulled out. Theriot also said Le is complying with the city’s requirements stipulated at the May 9, 2023, city council meeting. Mayor Ray Bourque requested that Theriot go back before the council to update the council on the status of Le’s property.


Variance Request to Zoning Ordinance: to Allow Dog Kenneling at 1270 South Bernard Road

Russell Trahan addressed the Council for a variance request to allow dog kenneling at 1270 South Benard Road. The business with be like a dog spa with grooming; there would be no outdoor kenneling. Dogs would be inside by 6:00 a.m. p.m. and not let outside until the morning. Trahan advised the dogs would only go outside to do their business. It will be a metal-modified building with landscaping. Fencing and landscaping would be put up between the property owners to mitigate noise.

The variance request was approved unanimously by the council members attending the meeting.

The Following Ordinances were Approved for Adoption

Ordinance #23-776 – annexing certain properties located on the southern side of Garber Road in Section 17, Township 10 South, Range 5 East, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana, and placed in City of Broussard Voting District 1 known as 418-422 Even Garber Road, the H. Brashier Management, LLC Annexation.

Ordinance #23-777 – annexing certain properties located on the eastern side of North Southpark Road and the southern side of Garber Road in Section 53/17, Township 10 South, Range 5 East, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana and placed in City of Broussard Voting District 1 known as the 404 Garber Road, the H. Brashier Management, LLC Annexation.

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