The Budget Hearing for its 2022/2023 Amended Budget and the 2023/2024 Proposed Budget for the City of Youngsville was held at the City Council Chambers on Thursday, June 29, 2023.
The City Council approved the 2022/2023 Amended Budget and the 2023/2024 Proposed Budget with amendments during its regular meeting on June 29, 2023.
During the council meeting, Resolution No. 2023-19 was approved, authorizing the Mayor to accept the donation of immovable property, a 1.07 acre commercial lot from Metairie Place, LLC.
In other business, the City Council went into Executive Session to discuss pending civil actions pursuant to LA 42:17 (A) (2) & (4), as follows:
- (a) Weola Landry, et als. vs. Youngsville-City, Docket No. C-20233187 C;
- (b) Justin Desormeaux, et al. vs. Youngsville-City et al., Docket No. C-20231748 G; and
- (c) Chief Rickey Boudreaux – Declaratory Action.
Youngsville’s 2023/2024 Amended Budget:
The 2023/2024 budget includes a three percent pay increase for council members, a ten-thousand-dollar increase for the mayor, and a three percent cost of living adjustment (COLA) for police officers.
The mayor’s annual pay for the 2022/2023 budget was $86,993.76. The annual pay for the council members for 2022/2023 was $14,205.36, and $15,844.44 for the alderman-at-large. Salaries for police officers vary.
Deputy Chief of Police, Gabe Thompson of the Youngsville Police Department (YPD), advised the council that the department has three vacant positions it is working on filling. Funding for three positions has been carried over from the 2022-2023 budget to the 2023-2024 budget. The 2023-2023 budget is also funded to add one additional school resource officer (SRO) for Acadiana Renaissance Charter Academy (ARCA), a charter school in Youngsville.
“The 2023-24 fiscal year budget contains a conservative revenue projection yet it is the most comprehensive budget ever adopted for the City of Youngsville. Years of planning, competitive grant applications, and relationships are finally coming to fruition. Contained in the budget are federal and state dollars for road, water, sewer, drainage, and recreational projects. These outside funds, coupled with our local tax dollars, set our city up for success as we make the necessary investments contained as part of our city’s infrastructure and transportation master plans.”
– Youngsville Mayor Ken Ritter
Included in the 2023/2024 Budget
Revenues: $71,360,540.00
Expenditures: $107,171,836.00
The expenditures include a proposed total of $74,300,000 for forty-nine capital outlay projects; major projects are listed below. Some or all of the capital outlay projects are to utilize grants.
Capital outlay – Governmental: $42,473,232
includes but is not limited to Highway 89 (Youngsville Highway)/Fortune, Highway 92, Larriviere Road, and detention ponds
Capital outlay – Police: $269,897
Capital outlay – Utility: $15,035,452
includes but is not limited to water/wastewater treatment plants
Capital outlay – Sports Complex/Parks & Recreation: $15,932,960
includes but is not limited to YSC expansion
Operating Income (loss): ($35,811,296)
Total nonoperating revenues (expenses): $433,270
Income (loss) before capital contributions and transfers: ($35,378,026.00)
Total other financing sources (uses): $12,780,000
Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other uses: ($22,598,026)
Net excess (deficiency) for the year: ($22,598,026)
Fund balance\equity, beginning: $89,862,597
Fund balance\equity, ending: $67,264,571
View / Download Full 2023/2024 City of Youngsville Budget Document
View / Download Full 2023/2024 City of Youngsville Budget Document