Sunday, February 16, 2025
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Sunday, February 16, 2025
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Youngsville Amphitheater

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An ariel view of the Youngsville Amphitheater, which is currently under construction.

The amphitheater is located to the east of the Youngsville Sports Complex (YSC) on Detente and Savoy Roads in Youngsville, Louisiana. It is expected to accommodate an estimated two to three thousand people.

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Dirt from a nearby drainage project in Youngsville is being repurposed to construct the amphitheater, saving money for the amphitheater project.

The amphitheater is part of the YSC expansion. The expansion consists of forty-six and one-half acres. The amphitheater, eight pickleball courts, and parking will be included in the expansion. The expansion property will be paid through a bond ordinance for $14 million.

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