Last night Youngsville City Council made history in having their first meeting in the new City Council Chambers at the new Youngsville Municipal Complex. The complex is located at 201 Iberia Street by the clock roundabout.
Jaeden Wallace of Entergy presented the City a check in the amount of $6,958.60 for utilizing efficient energy savings mechanisms at the new complex. Due to the efficient savings mechanisms in place, Wallace told the mayor and city council they can expect to have an annual savings of about $7,000.
During the city council meeting Mayor Ken Ritter made offered gratitude first to outgoing interim City Council Member Shannon D. Bares and second to retiring Chief Administrative Officer (COA) Sally Angers.
Bares filled the seat of Gary Williams who passed away earlier this year. New elected Simone Champagne will be filling that seat in January 2023.
Angers has worked in government for thirty years, ten and a half of those years with the City of Youngsville. The last two years worked has been as COA.
Ritter presented both Bares and Angers with a key to the city. Angers’ staff presented her with a retirement gift of a clock. City Council members presented Angers with flowers.