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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Youngsville City Council Meeting – November 10, 2022


Youngsville’s City Council Meeting was held on November 10, 2022.

Recognitions were made for the Yard of the Month to Crystal Alarado located at 113 Nicole Drive. Also recognized was Krewe LA Vie Doux who presented a check for $1,000 to the City of Youngsville to use to help those less fortunate.

Preliminary plats were approved for Sugar Mill Pond, Phase 25, located in Section 6, T11S, R5E and for The Palms Crossing, located in Section 6, T11S, R5E. The Palms Crossing was approved with amendments to include 1) the retention pond will be required to handle a one-hundred year flood, 2) another entrance would go out through the commercial space to the Youngsville Highway and 3) a fence would be required between the commercial space and residential area.

Glen Lege Construction was awarded proposal for the Youngsville Highway widening and for the Fortune Road Extension and Roundabout Projects.

JD Mouton was awarded proposal for the Youngsville Sports Complex Expansion Project.


Wilson Viator requested a variance to waive the required minimum depth of 200’ for commercial development along his properties, located at 2928-3030 Chemin Metairie Parkway. This was approved with negotiations.

The 2022-2023 budget was amended by $1 million to provide additional funding for the Dog & Veterans Parks. This is to be funded by the Recreational Sales Tax Fund. 


A Resolution was approved authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute for and on behalf of the City of Youngsville of the Parish of Lafayette, Louisiana, an Act of Substantial Completion from Southern Constructors, LLC, Contractor, pertaining to the completion of a contract for the Chemin Metairie Parkway & Savoy Road Roundabout.

Ordinances for Final Adoption

Amended Ordinance No. 476-2022 was adopted. This Ordinance amends Chapter 130 “Land Use Regulations,” Section Number 130-4 “Land Use Types” relative to the classification of self-service storage facilities and amending Section Number 130-5 “Requirements, Restrictions, and Responses” relative to setbacks for multi-story buildings other than single family residences.

Ordinance No. 478-2022 was adopted: An Ordinance of the City of Youngsville, Louisiana declaring the extension of Velascco Crossing to be a public necessity and authorizing the acquisition of the necessary land, easements, servitudes, rights of way and other property rights requisite to the construction of said extension either on an amicable basis or through the use of the expropriation process if necessary.

Ordinances Introduced

Ordinance No. 479-2022 was introduced: An Ordinance of the City of Youngsville, Louisiana to amend Ordinance No. 373-2014 amending Chapter 110 “Design Standards”, Section 110-4 “Design Standards and Incentives” to require City Council approval of Multi-Family Developments (Low Density) and Multi-Family Developments (High Density) prior to plan submittal. 

Ordinance No. 480-2022 was introduced: An Ordinance of the City of Youngsville, Louisiana recognizing the final form and execution of the Bond Purchase Agreement in connection with the issuance and sale of its [not to exceed $9,000,000] Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2022, and providing for other matters in connection therewith.

For Youngsville City Council Agendas, Minutes and Videos from meetings visit

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