Youngsville Mayor Ken Ritter announced the following new appointees for the city during the Youngsville City Council meeting held on Thursday, February 10, 2023.
- Cathryn Greig, Assistant / Deputy Chief Financial Officer
- Alex Mazerole, Water Superintendent
- Zachary Maturin, Drainage, Superintendent
- Roger Rowland, Maintenance Superintendent
The following were approved by the City Council for appointment to the Recreation Advisory Board:
- Logan Lannoo, appointed by City Council Member Kayla Menard-Reaux
- Shannon Tanner, appointed by City Council Member Lindy Bolgiano
- Rocky Richard, appointed by City Council Member Matt Romero
- Daniel Deville, appointed by City Council Member Ken Stansbury
- Dale David, appointed by City Council Member Simone Champagne
Donavan Blasingame and Scott Gibson were appointed to the Recreation Advisory Board by Mayor Ken Ritter. Troy Lejeune and Greg Boudreaux were appointed by Youngsville Sports Complex Director Tim Robichaux.