Sunday, February 16, 2025
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Sunday, February 16, 2025
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LPSO Arrested Man for Fentanyl

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Lafayette, LA – One man is arrested after Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Agents discovered approximately 775 grams of fentanyl and heroin in a Lafayette Parish residence last Tuesday.

While executing a search warrant in the 100 block of Hansel Drive, agents located more than 630 grams of fentanyl. Fentanyl in this quantity could contain as many as 318,000 potentially lethal doses of the narcotic. In addition to the fentanyl, nearly 140 grams of heroin and a handgun were seized.

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As a result of the narcotics investigation, forty-six-year-old Terral Blackwell was arrested and charged with two counts of Possession with the Intent to Distribute (PWITD) Schedule I Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS), PWITD Schedule II CDS, Possession of a Firearm in the Presence of CDS, Possession of a Firearm by a Person Convicted of Certain Felonies, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia as well as for an outstanding arrest warrant for felony Monetary Instrument Abuse.

Blackwell was booked into the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center on the above charges.

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