LA 3073 (Ambassador Caffery Pkwy) SB from LA 89-1 (Youngsville Hwy) to approximately .5 miles south of the intersection
Monday, October 23, 2023, 11:02 AM
The inside travel lane of LA 3073 (Ambassador Caffery Pkwy), southbound, from LA 89-1 (Youngsville Hwy) to approximately .5 miles east of the intersection, will be closed beginning Monday, October 23 to Wednesday, November 1, 2023, weather permitting.
This closure is necessary to allow crews to perform pavement widening and patching throughout the project limits.
The road will be open to regular traffic with a twelve-foot lane restriction on oversized loads passing through the work zone.
Emergency vehicles will have access to the area but may encounter delays.
No detour is necessary.