Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Little Blessings Donates to The Outreach Center

From Nate Moore, owner of Little Blessings Childcare & Preschool LLC

Little Blessings Childcare & Preschool believes that giving back to its community is not just a responsibility but a privilege. For this reason, Little Blessings donated $10,000 to The Outreach Center.

Nate Moore, owner of Little Blessings, said it means the world to us to support organizations like The Outreach Center, which tirelessly works to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

The Outreach Center plays a crucial role in our community by providing housing assistance and shelter for those experiencing homelessness. During Palates and Pate’s yearly fundraising event, The Outreach Center shared powerful stories of the families they helped, including many children who now have a safe place to call home. Moore stated, “These stories touched our hearts and reinforced the importance of supporting those in need, especially the most vulnerable members of our community”.

Moore expressed immense gratitude to their families and team for unwavering support. A portion of the tuition from Little Blessings Academy centers goes towards helping non-profits like The Outreach Center. Moore went on to say, “Together, we believe in working hand-in-hand with non-profits to help our community blossom and ensure a brighter future for all. Thank you for being a part of our journey and helping us make a difference!”

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