Moore Motivations courtesy of Nate Moore, Local Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Podcaster.
We all have that silent voice of self-doubt. The voice that tells us that it’s not possible. That voice that tells you that you’re not the one. That voice that tells you that you don’t have what it takes.
I can tell you that that voice still works on me. It’s still there and present most days, but I’ve chosen not to listen to it. There was a time when that voice was supreme in my life. It kept me limited and in a box of comfort. There came a time when I no longer wanted to be common. I desired more. I no longer wanted to regret the opportunities that I’ve passed on. I started taking small steps toward my desires.
I allowed my mind to be curious. If I didn’t know something, I picked up a book to learn more about that particular thing. I started walking miles before I began running miles. I did the work myself before I could afford to hire someone else. I chose a positive attitude during difficult times rather than being overwhelmed with negativity. I began being grateful for a day before thinking about other days. I made one positive comment to myself before I believed many other things about myself. I took small steps every day. It wasn’t about winning or losing. It was about looking at myself in the mirror and being pleased with my efforts. What was important was that I went all in and gave my all to what I was focused on.