Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Cassidy Announcese $52.7 Million for Pipeline Construction

Submitted by United States Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana

WASHINGTON (Apr. 24, 2024) – United States Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) announced the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) will grant Louisiana $52,727,798.00 in the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Fiscal Year 2023 Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure and Safety Modernization Grants from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

“Pipelines transport the energy required to fuel our daily lives,” said Dr. Cassidy. “This funding will enhance the safety and efficiency of our infrastructure for years to come.”

Grant AwardedRecipientProject Description
$20,000,000.00City of DonaldsonvilleThis grant will provide federal funding for pipeline construction to replace 27.3 miles of natural gas infrastructure.
$15,500,000.00Gas Utility District 2 of East FelicianaThis grant will provide federal funding for pipeline construction to replace approximately 112 miles of natural gas infrastructure.
$9,427,539.00Gas Utility District #1 of East Baton Rouge ParishThis grant will provide federal funding for pipeline construction to replace 31.6 miles of natural gas infrastructure.
$2,339,165.00Gas Utility District of West Feliciana ParishThis grant will provide federal funding for pipeline construction to replace 8.7 miles of natural gas infrastructure.
$1,993,452.00Town of BerwickThis grant will provide federal funding for pipeline construction project to replace 7.09 miles of natural gas infrastructure.
$1,854,512.00Town of BerwickThis grant will provide federal funding for pipeline construction project to replace 6.28 miles of natural gas infrastructure. 
$1,150,780.00City of WalkerThis grant will provide federal funding for pipeline construction to replace 4.37 miles of natural gas infrastructure.
$206,000.00City of Port AllenThis grant will provide federal funding for pipeline construction to replace .57 miles of natural gas infrastructure.
$187,081.00Town of BerwickThis grant will provide federal funding to replace aging meters for approximately 250 customers.
$69,269.00Gas Utility District #1 of East Baton Rouge ParishThis grant will provide federal funding to acquire methane leak detection equipment.


PHMSA’s grant programs reimburse up to 80 percent of the operating costs for state programs charged with inspecting transmissions, distribution pipelines, and underground storage facilities within state boundaries.

Last year, Cassidy announced Louisiana received $27.4 million from IIJA to improve natural gas infrastructure.

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