Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

CSG Releases Final Recommendations for LPSS District Optimization

Submitted by the Lafayette Parish School System

LAFAYETTE, LA (November 13, 2024) – Civic Solutions Group (CSG) has partnered with district staff to price out the savings and expenses associated with the set of final District Optimization proposals being presented for Board approval on November 20, 2024. These are models to be utilized in helping to inform decisions and to support a more detailed financial plan for the District incorporating these proposals as they do not include:

● Existing resources that could be utilized for the recommended new construction
● Anticipated changes in revenue due to enrollment fluctuations, loss of students to private/parochial/charter schools, or other shifts in funding
● Additional revenue realized from the selling or leasing of unused property

Cost Savings Associated with School Closures & Consolidations

Based upon CSG’s revised proposals, utilizing financial data provided by LPSS, it is projected that there will be net savings of $4.2MM in Year 1, once one-time expenses associated with moving, abatement, and necessary renovations are accounted for, followed by an average of $8MM per year of recurring savings.

CSG Final Recommendations for LPSS

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