Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

LPSS Student Selected as 2024 National Merit Corporate-Sponsored Scholarship Winner

Submitted by the Lafayette Parish School System

LAFAYETTE, LA (Apr. 24, 2024) – The Lafayette Parish School System would like to congratulate Lafayette High School student, Shreay P. Patel, for being a National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) Corporate-Sponsored Merit Scholarship Winner. Approximately 770 distinguished high school seniors have won corporate-sponsored National Merit Scholarship awards financed by about 94 corporations, company foundations, and other business organizations.

Corporate sponsors provide National Merit Scholarships for finalists who are children of their employees, who are residents of communities the company serves, or who plan to pursue college majors or careers the sponsor wishes to encourage. Most of these awards are renewable for up to four years of college undergraduate study and provide annual stipends that range from $1,000 to $10,000 per year. Some provide a single payment between $2,500 and $5,000. Recipients can use their awards at any regionally accredited U.S. college or university of their choice.

Funding for these National Merit Scholarships is provided by corporate organizations that represent nearly all sectors of American industry. Sponsors from the business community have underwritten awards offered in all 69 competitions, expending or committing more than $870 million to support the intellectual development of the nation’s scholastically talented youth.
Congratulations Shreay P. Patel for this outstanding accomplishment.

About the National Merit® Scholarship Program

NMSC, a not-for-profit organization that operates without government assistance, was established in 1955 to conduct the National Merit Scholarship Program. The majority of National Merit Scholarships offered each year are underwritten by some 320 independent corporate and college sponsors that support NMSC’s efforts to honor the nation’s scholastically talented youth and encourage academic excellence at all levels of education.

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