Sunday, February 9, 2025
Sunday, February 9, 2025

Youngsville Traffic Alert

From Youngsville Mayor Ken Ritter:

Beginning Tuesday, October 15, 2024, the north/south intersection at Guillot and Chemin Metairie Parkway (tractor roundabout) will be closed to traffic for road construction. Traffic on Chemin Metairie will not be impacted, but crossing or accessing Chemin Metairie from Guillot will be restricted.

Detour routes are suggested as follows:

  • Sugar Ridge: Use Velassco Crossing to Chemin Metairie
  • Guillot south of Chemin Metairie (St David’s Cove, Mon Cherie, Guillot Grove, Nezpique, Langlinais): Use Guillot to Chemin Agreeable, Detente or Piat
  • Guillot north of Chemin Metairie (Beau Jardin, Fairfax, Belle Maison): Use Almonaster to South Larrievere


  • What’s the reason? Road base failures under travel lanes of the intersection around the roundabout.
  • What’s being done? The roundabout’s base is being rebuilt using the same design typical section that Chemin Metairie was rebuilt using in 2015.
  • How long will it take? With good weather the contractor is estimating 30 days.
  • Wasn’t this already done? No. Only surface patching has taken place at this intersection. When Chemin Metairie was rebuilt in 2015 this intersection was not included.
  • Shouldn’t it have lasted longer? This intersection is 14 years old and it currently exceeds the design life.
  • Why now? Why didn’t you schedule during the summer? Summers are too short to accomplish everything we need to do and contractor availability and timing of funding also play a part particularly when maximizing grant funding sources. Fall break for school is next week therefore this week was selected in order for motorists to get acclimated while school is out.
  • Wasn’t this supposed to be increased to a double roundabout? A double-lane roundabout was recommended in our long-term 2022 transportation plan. The design is complete for this recommendation. However state funding for this intersection has been delayed. In the interim the base needs to be replaced regardless. Therefore we’re moving ahead with this solution as the base failures are becoming more prevalent.
  • What about Geaux Fresh? Driveway access on Guillot will be maintained along with Chemin Metairie access to this business. Keep going there!
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