Submitted by DODT: Thursday, October 24, 2024 8:08 AM
BATON ROUGE – The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) announced today that 13 projects around the state received bids in September. Ten contractors presented apparent low bids totaling $35.7 million.
“We’re pleased to announce a new round of bids for construction this month, including many more pavement rehabilitation projects,” said DOTD Secretary Joe Donahue. “Our citizens and visitors deserve the best infrastructure we can provide them, and we will continue to improve our state’s transportation system with the funds we have available.”
Projects awarded and their apparent low bids are as follows:
- Milling, pathing, and overlay on U.S. 165 southbound between Rilla and Pearl St. in Ouachita Parish: $5,412,673.77
- Milling, patching, paving, and reinforcing on Bonnabel Blvd. between Metairie Rd. and I-10 in Jefferson Parish: $3,081,793.29
- Pavement rehabilitation on Terry Parkway between LA 23 and U.S. 90B in Jefferson Parish: $811,909.50
- Milling, patching, overlay, and drainage on LA 10 between Little Wauksha Bridge and U.S. 71 in St. Landry Parish: $5,034,157.64
- Grading, milling, patching, overlay, and drainage on LA 17 between Franklin Parish line and Rundell Loop in Richland Parish: $2,749,608.10
- Grading, milling, patching, overlay, and drainage on LA 565 between LA 129 and LA 15 in Concordia Parish: $8,589,008.25
- Milling, patching, overlay, and drainage on LA 397 between Gayle Rd. and LA 27 in Calcasieu Parish: $3,262,706.33
- Milling and patching on LA 191 between LA 476 and LA 6 in Sabine Parish: $1,589,547.12
- Milling, patching, overlay, and drainage on LA 1029 between U.S. 190 and LA 447 in Livingston Parish: $916,368.75
- Milling and overlay on LA 1055 between LA 38 and Silver Creek in Washington Parish: $1,334,695.01
- Grading, milling, patching, and overlay on LA 662 between LA 182 and Terrebonne Parish line in Terrebonne Parish: $525,377.76
Congestion Mitigation and Safety:
- Lighting replacement at I-49 and LA 31 in St. Landry Parish: $1,396,101.55
- Boom or Bust scenic viewing area in Caddo Parish: $999,049.00
When bids for projects are received, an “apparent low bidder” is identified, although the process of actually finalizing and awarding the contract takes about 30 days. Bid prices deemed outside of a certain range or exceeding the project budget typically trigger a more extensive evaluation. DOTD will continue to monitor increases in bid prices related to supply chain and workforce issues. After a review, DOTD may opt to have the project re-bid.
Construction projects are prioritized by road/bridge condition, urgency of improvements, type/volume of traffic, crash records, unforeseeable emergencies that caused damage, and several other factors.
For more information about these projects, please visit