Fourteen-year-old Emile Myers of Lafayette, Louisiana, held Emile’s Holiday Hot Cocoa Fundraiser last night for the sixth year. The fundraiser raised over $35,000 for Catholic Charities of Acadiana’s emergency homeless shelters.
The fundraiser, held outside Myer’s family home in Lafayette, provided hot cocoa for a donation, and mugs were available for an additional donation.
Coteau Grove, featuring Wayne Toups, provided music during the event. Myers’ grandfather, Keith Myers, is a band member of Coteau Grove.
Years ago, Myers decided to help others and make a difference in their lives. He is doing so with his annual fundraiser. Each year, the proceeds from his fundraiser go to a specific charity. Last year, the proceeds went to Beacon Community Connections to help prevent teen suicide.
Myers is the son of State Representative District 45 Brach Myers and Carly Nicholson Myers. The elder Myers works with his son for the fundraisers. Most of all, Emile said, “I can not do this without the help of the community”.