Monday, November 11, 2024
Monday, November 11, 2024

Kody Allen: Get to Know Your Elected Officials

Get to Know Your Elected Officials Series


Since joining the Broussard City Council for District 6 in January 2023, Kody Allen has gained a new perspective on public service.

As a council member, Allen serves on the Parks and Recreation Committee and regularly attends meetings. He is actively involved with the Parks and Recreation Park Expansion project and is enthusiastic about its future growth. He believes the Parks and Recreation Department plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life in the community, which is a key focus of his campaign.

Allen supports the upcoming Broussard Broussard Phase II of the Main Street Corridor Master Plan. He sees this initiative as beautifying the corridor while preserving the city’s historic character.

One of his most significant accomplishments is being involved as a council member with the city’s acquisition of the buildings off Highway 90 at Mayor Charles Langlinais Lane (formerly Bercegeay Road) for the Broussard Service Complex. The complex consists of four buildings that accommodate the Broussard Public Works Department, an Administration building for the Broussard Fire Department, and a City staff training facility. Additionally, one of the buildings is currently undergoing renovation for the Broussard Police Department.

Allen takes the opportunity to volunteer at various events by the City and Broussard Chamber of Commerce.

Since his high school graduation in 2017, Allen has been employed at an oil and gas company and recently transitioned to an outside sales role.

Two years ago, Allen married his long-time girlfriend, Sarah. He is proud of her determination and resilience in obtaining her Physical Therapy Assistant license.

If any elected official serving Broussard or Youngsville, Louisiana, would like to participate in the Get to Know Your Elected Officials series, please email

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