Saturday, December 7, 2024
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Youngsville Special Election Results: Run-Offs Broussard and Louvieve; Istre and Niland


These are the unconfirmed winners from the Special Election for Youngsville Police Chief and Youngsville City Council Member Division D held on November 5, 2024.

There will be a run-off for police chief between Jean Paul “JP” Broussard and Cody Louviere and for City Council Division D between Todd Istre and Nick Niland.

The run-off election will be held on December 7, 2024.

Youngsville Police Chief

Jean Paul JP Broussard

Broussard, Jean Paul “JP”
3,857 Votes (46%)
Republican, Male, White

Cody Louviere - Youngsville Police Chief Candidate

Louviere, Cody
3,307 Votes (40%)
Republican, Male, White

Matthew "Matt" Thomassee - Youngsville Police Chief Candidate

Thomassee, “Matt”
1,188 Votes (14%)
Republican, Male, White

Youngsville City Council Member Division D

Todd Istre

Istre, Todd
3,661 Votes (46%)
Republican, Male, White

Logan Lannoo

Lannoo, Logan
1,708 Votes (21%)
Republican, Male, White

Nick Niland

Niland, “Nick”
2,657 Votes (33%)
Republican, Male, White

“All statewide and local candidates in Louisiana are elected by majority vote. A majority vote is one more than 50% of the total votes cast for that office. When one candidate is to be elected, a candidate who receives a majority of the votes cast for an office in a primary election is elected. If no candidate receives a majority, the top two candidates who receive the most votes advance to the general election.” [source]

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