Monday, October 14, 2024
Monday, October 14, 2024

Youngsville’s Anticipation of the Projected Tropical Cyclone 6 / Francine

From Youngsville Mayor Ken Ritter

YOUNGSVILLE, LA (September 9, 2024) – The Youngsville team has redirected its operational focus to include:

  • Checking all channels at road crossings to clear any debris.
  • Creating additional stormwater storage by pumping down select regional and neighborhood ponds.
  • Working with contractors and developers to secure job sites to minimize debris that may end up in drainage systems or as projectiles in strong wind. We are asking residents to do similar inspections around their own property, secure trampolines and loose objects, and remove any debris near catch basins.
  • Lafayette Parish has a self-service sand bag station open at Picard Park in Milton at 130 Park Lane. In addition, the City of Youngsville anticipates opening a location at 333 S. Larriviere Road (Lasalle regional retention site) by Noon. Bring your own shovel and manpower.
  • Please do not place any branches and yard debris curbside until after the storm threat has passed. Further direction will be provided regarding trash and recycling pick up if any changes to this week’s schedule is necessary.
  • If not already, sign up for emergency alert notifications at:
  • Public works is prepared to close roads with barricades in areas know to flood risk if needed during the storm event. DO NOT move any barricades if a roadway is closed.
  • Youngsville Sports Complex will advise of schedule changes and cancellations as decisions are made.

Our preparation for weather events is ongoing and year-round. Unfortunately, these types of storm events can be unpredictable so please stay alert. While we are the most prepared in history for heavy rainfall, our drainage systems are still influenced by wind direction and tides. As with any hurricane season all residents in South Louisiana should have an emergency plan in place to include the potential loss of power. Stay tuned for future updates.

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