An occupational license permits a business to engage in a specific profession or occupation legally.
City of Youngsville
The City of Youngsville does not require a business to obtain an Occupational License.
The city does have a business directory where businesses can register, but registration is optional.
The only permit required is for a business’s physical building when it is being constructed or built out. The business first applies for the building permit and then receives the certificate of occupancy once it is completed.
To learn more about permitting, email or call to speak with the city’s Permits Manager, Kayla Lemke at (337) 857-6929.
City of Broussard
The city requires an occupational license when starting a new business in Broussard. Whether the company is based at home or operates from a separate location, this license is necessary.
If the business is based at home, you must consider specific restrictions and contact City Hall to obtain an occupational license.
In Broussard, you must obtain an occupational license to start a new business, regardless of whether it operates from your home or a separate location. If your business is home-based, be aware that there might be specific restrictions, and those wanting to open a home business must contact City Hall.
To apply online for an Occupational License for a business, go to APPLY ONLINE.
To learn more about Broussard’s Occupational Licenses or other licensing restrictions that may apply, contact Sarah Hebert, Permitting/Licensing Administrator, at (337) 837-6681, extension 5.