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Sunday, February 16, 2025
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AWS Suspends Wednesday Collection

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Lafayette, LA (January 21, 2025) – Lafayette Consolidated Government (LCG) and Acadiana Waste Services (AWS) announce an update on garbage and recycling collections as a result of near-blizzard conditions.

AWS will not attempt to run any routes through tomorrow evening, Wednesday, January 22, 2025.

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“Given the unprecedented snow accumulation, dangerous road conditions and hard freeze forecast for this evening, we can’t imagine a scenario where our vehicles and employees can safely operate tomorrow,” says AWS President, Gus Dugas.

LCG will continue to provide updates as road conditions improve and collection schedules for the remainder of the week are finalized. Service depends on safe road conditions and the operation of regional transfer stations and landfills. LCG and AWS remain committed to the quick and safe removal of trash and sincerely appreciate the public’s patience and understanding during this historic weather event.

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