Monday, November 11, 2024
Monday, November 11, 2024

Superintendent Touchet Regarding the District Optimization process

Submitted by Frances Touchet Jr, Superintendent of the Lafayette Parish School System

As we move through the district optimization process, I want to keep you informed about what to expect in the weeks ahead. The School Board hired Civic Solutions Group (CSG) to conduct an objective evaluation of our district, a step many school systems are taking to transition to more sustainable models for educating students and responsibly managing taxpayer dollars.

My commitment remains steadfast: putting students first. When we began this process, the Board and I set three key goals:

  1. Provide quality education that prepares students for higher education, trade training, or life skills
    leading to a productive life.
  2. Ensure students can attend school in safe, well-maintained facilities.
  3. Achieve these goals through fiscal responsibility.

With inflation impacting everyone, including our district, it is crucial to make adjustments that allow us to operate efficiently and in a way that allows our students to flourish.

The quality of their education depends on having a qualified teacher in every classroom, and increasing teacher salaries will allow us to attract talent. As Louisiana’s sixth largest district, LPSS ranks 35th in average teacher pay, according to 2023-24 data. That is unacceptable.

While some initial recommendations from CSG have caused anxiety, thoughtful planning is essential for future growth and opportunities.

Thank you for participating in the recent feedback sessions. If you haven’t already, please complete the survey on the LPSS website, or email feedback to Final recommendations will be released the week before the November 20 board meeting.
I understand change is challenging, and I appreciate your participation in this process.


Francis Touchet

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